© Adrian G. @ 2024

I'm Adrian G.

I'm both a Creative as well as Curious.

My Story

I believe in
boundless creation

My works are not limited to any specific domain. I design with the end product in mind, not what I can do at that point. I believe, what I can do is dependent on whether I want to do. The sky is not the limit, it is the start of magnificent dreams.
My interests in computer and science started young, with a number of highlights. From secondary school days, I developed interest in information security and ancient different history and literature. I ran my own gaming servers, voice servers, PHP forums, built a number of websites and scripts in JS. Since I was a little kid, something about computers fascinates me. I already builded many PC's (also budget PC) for friends depending on the usage including myself. My interest in security is persisted, which is necessary to safely manage my servers based on linux. I own my Cluster that I manage with ProxMox and I love it. In future, I'm looking forward to deepening my experience.
Berufsausbildung (Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik)

CJD NRW Süd/Rheinland, Germany

2017 - 2020

Fachoberschulreife in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung

Berufsfachschule/Berufskolleg des Kreises Olpe, Germany


erweiterter Hauptschulabschluss nach Klasse 9

Anne-Frank-Schule Ganztagshauptschule, Germany


IT Technician

As a teenager (16 years old), my first experience working with internal hardware, firmware and software solutions based on customer needs.


Supervision of children/young people and refugees for > Association “Promoter of youth and elderly care".

Communication, conciliation, different activities, physical and mental strain and always to keep a calm and cool head.